We live in times where cruelty, evil, corruption, disruption, and turmoil are experienced even within the borders of the house of God.
But, we shouldn’t hold back or fold our arms. The upcoming generation carries solutions within them – with the proper foundation, they can rightsize the future.
Extramural activities and spiritual education are vital supplements to school. Through our initiative, Ikusasa lase-Makhanda (the future of Makhanda), we have discovered just how amazing young Makhandans are. They are filled with conviction and commitment – many are willing to travel miles to their music and chess lessons.
The initiative was founded by LoveWorld, which runs several global youth programs that help young people prepare for the future.

Principals and educators face diverse challenges, which are more spiritual, emotional, and psychological than educational.
Ikusasa laseMakhanda has contacted schools, but we still only have three schools represented. If only all schools could join hands and work together with us!
I also invite parents to partner with LoveWorld and Ikusasa Lase Makhanda to equip young Makhandans with knowledge of the arts, music and chess.
You can contact me at: or on 083 277 7596.

LoveWorld has several programmes to equip teens and youth with knowledge, skills, and an understanding of spirituality. These programs include:
1. Foundation school programme: Six-course modules run for free over two months. Lessons are every Friday from 4 pm to 5.30 pm in the Recreation Hall.

2. Teevo clubs: These clubs equip youth with leadership and problem-solving skills. They are trained to identify problems in their schools and find solutions. Outreach visits include donating toys to orphanages and hospitals and visiting prisoners to learn about life from those who made the wrong choices growing up.
3. Teevolution Nation show: This show is run by Agape radio, and we hope to establish a working relationship with Radio Grahamstown to bring it closer to home. The show is led and presented by Eastern Cape youth. The aim is to develop self-confidence and skills in presenting and journalism.
4. Future Africa Leaders Foundation: This foundation explores and expands the leadership potential in Africa for Africa. It identifies, celebrates, and supports young Africans who have demonstrated exemplary leadership by impacting their generation positively through education, youth empowerment, and mentoring through other projects aimed at building young people and preparing them for a positive future (website:
Our mission
Identify, explore, celebrate, train, and support African youth who have demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities in various fields.
Our vision
To raise financial, political, technological, intellectual, and economic giants driven by Africa’s challenges to proffer sustainable solutions.
Our goal
To impact African youth worldwide through our mentorship programs to enable them to tackle African challenges.
The programme is conducted by Nolwakhe Yvonne Sewelo, a Teens Ministry Pastor at Christ Embassy Grahamstown Branch.

About Nolwakhe Yvonne Sewelo

Nolwakhe Yvonne Sewelo, known as Yveslight in the ministry of singing, is a South African singer. She was born in Klerksdorp in 1989 but spent her primary schooling in Mount Frere. She is married to Kebapetse Jeremiah Sewelo, the founder and director of Sewelo Maths and Chess Academy. They have two children.
Yveslight was introduced to music at a very young age. She first had an experience of music through the Khayalethu Primary school choir, and the focus of music by then was on izitibili (action songs). She later moved to Zamukulunga primary school and joined the school choir there. This is the school where she was exposed to opera singing and choral music. In Arefadimeheng secondary school, she received provincial and national recognition via her school choir. Yveslight currently holds a Master’s degree in Musicology, which she passed with a distinction at Northwest University.
Over the last 15 years, she has taught Music, Creative Arts/Life Skills, Mathematics, and English. She has worked with more than 47 schools around North West Province on programmes including Spelling Bee, school choir concerts/competitions, fashion/modelling shows, arts competitions, and chess tournaments.
She has released six singles and has written over 100 songs.
She is completing a PhD in ethnomusicology at Rhodes University and working as an nGAP lecturer at the International Library of African Music (ILAM).
She has performed with NWU PUK Serenaders, Ngoma Africa, Cantinovum (JAMK), Unisounds, Bandura Express Marimba Ensemble, NWU Woodwind Ensemble, Matlosana Sings Gospel and Friends Gospel group.
She performed various classical works, including Handel’s Chandos Anthem, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Acis and Galatea, Bach’s Magnificat, and Vivaldi’s Gloria.