Dear editor,
Surely, many believe, and I hear it all the time, that the world is not black and white, that not everything is so simple.
So, no, the world today is black and white. There is outright evil and there are hundreds of innocent people who have died and will die because of this evil. There is no excuse for this. For those who will ask, where was I for eight years, during the war in Donbas, I will say that I was here and did the same things that I am doing now – fought against it and spoke the truth.
I spent the last half a month in prison, where I was sent for daring to go out into the street to say that I am AGAINST WAR. Thanks to everyone who supported me during this time – I am very grateful to you for this. But it’s not about me. People in Russia come out to rallies all the time, they are imprisoned, criminal cases are brought against them, but they still come out and do not remain silent.
I am proud of them and there are many such people in Russia! We do not want a fratricidal war, we want to live in peace with our neighbours and with the whole world.
I am proud to be Russian, I am proud of the wonderful people in our country and I despise the bastards in power who wanted to turn Ukraine into ruins.
I’m ashamed that we let this happen. We allowed it and yes, we are to blame! Ukraine, forgive us!
Nikolay Artemenko, coordinator of the Youth Democratic Movement, St Petersburg, Russia