Jim Cambray recorded a total of 49.4 mm for February 2022, which is below our long-term average of 68.8 mm and below our long term median of 52.3 mm.
“This is clearly evident with the garden rapidly desiccating,” he lamented.
Our maximum February rainfall occurred in 2009 – a lovely 186.2mm – and the lowest recorded was only 5.0mm in 1999. “So, we have had worse than 2022!”
Jim recorded a meagre 1.7 mm in Park Road from 24 February to 2 March, which was pipped by Paul Maylam’s 2 mm in Cathcart Street.
Meanwhile, Robin Stobbs recorded a “miserable” 0.6 mm in Grant Street. “Maybe if I fitt a bigger collector cup to my pluvio, I could record more?” he quipped.
Temperatures ranged from 17-31 degrees Celcius with most days hitting the 30C mark.
Accuweather predicted some promising rain for Thursday night and Friday. We’ll see.