Makana Tourism successfully ‘rebranded’ over two days at the Settler’s Monument on the weekend, with myriad vibrant attractions showcasing the region’s talent and cultural riches.
Performances included a Be Brave dance challenge, praise singer Mandlenkosi Dyakala, the Ntsika Secondary School Choir, the Eluxolweni Gumboot Dancers, the Makhanda Marimba Band and the Eluxolweni Marimba band.

Local crafters and vendors joined in the festivities – with showcased products including food, cars, clothes, home products, plants, and artefacts.
According to the chairperson of the Makana Tourism Board, Aldy Meyer, who spoke on the first day of the rebranding, Makana Tourism aims to market the district as “a quality destination in a dynamic visionary and goal-driven manner” and ensure that “the community at large benefits optimally from tourism”.
Meyer said the rebranding came after months of consultations and research and served as a tourism restart button after recent disruptive events like the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The rebranding forms a platform to showcase positive stories about our cultural history and celebrate our people, their achievements and our local gems as we move towards stability and new growth.”
Makana Tourism aims to promote Makana as a desirable tourist destination, market Makana as a centre for meetings, conferences, and festivals and position historical villages to inspire big, vibrant and entertaining cultural events.

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