The National Arts Festival will take place between 23 June-3 July. It is hoped it will be live, but that will depend on South Africa’s status concerning COVID-19 regulations.
A call has gone out to artists to register their works on the Fringe. The Festival is also hosting an online programme, inviting applications to present works made for the online environment.
The NAF’s approach to receiving proposals to present work on the Fringe has changed. Artists are requested to fill out an Expression of Interest form online.
Meanwhile, the Festival team is also still establishing what venues may be available for the Festival, given the disruptions to the school and university calendars.
The NAF acknowledged that the past two years have been challenging for many artists and has reduced Fringe artists’ costs for 2022. For artists presenting work in Makhanda:
- The normal registration fee of R1000 has been reduced by 50%, bringing the registration fee to R500.
- The venue hire fee has been standardised at R500 per performance. However, a further 50% discount has been applied, bringing the venue hire fee to R250 per performance.
- Fringe productions will have an average of five performances each, with some slight variation.
In addition, the ticket sales revenue will be split 90/10 in favour of artists.
For artists presenting work on the vFringe:
For artists presenting work on the vFringe, this year’s registration fee is a once-off R150. Ticket sales revenue will be split 90/10 in favour of artists.