By Stephen Kisbey-Green, a former Grocott’s Mail Sports Editor
It is sad to see such a stalwart journalist like Sue Maclennan leave Grocott’s Mail after almost a decade of service. She made a massive contribution not only to the paper and the community but also to my career.
Few people showed that they cared for the people of Makhanda as much as Sue did in the brief time that I was fortunate enough to work under her.
Sue is an incredible leader who truly helped me get a start in my journalism career, taking a young student journalist from his role under Stephen Penney and trusting me with the responsibilities of a sports editor whilst still in university. Not only was this trust something that astonished me, but it was also a mark of the type of leader that Sue is; one who cares for those that work for and with her, and one that, above all, has the best interests of the people she serves, the people of Makhanda, at heart.
As a community journalist, Sue has been at the heart of every story and every concern raised by the people. She knows every community leader in town and listens to every one of their concerns, always looking to do whatever she can to ensure that the people are heard. I was always blown away by her dedication and commitment to the art of community journalism. Her journalism did not just inform but gave readers and their community a voice of their own.
While I am sure that Sue will continue to be a stalwart member of the Makhanda community, Grocott’s Mail will find it challenging to fill the shoes of not only a brilliant editor and journalist but a fantastic person. She will be missed, and I wish those taking over all the best.