Standing on the mountain of rubbish remaining at the former recycling site in Jarvis Street are the River Rescuers and urban environment activists (from left) Graeme Holmes, Catherine Letcher, Helen Holleman, Margaret Wolff, Julian Barker, Cornelius Mbonambi, Uwziah Mutumbi, Lazola Maliwa and Jessica Cockburn.
They have a question for you – but first…
Remember how much hope these before-and-after photos of the Jarvis Street driffie brought in January?

Remember this photo of another of the River Rescuers, Gloria Papu, next to the river? She and Zumzi Monakale, along with other stalwarts joined Helen Holleman clearing rubbish to “make the river sing”.

It was an endless task though because just above was a huge mountain of plastic and other rubbish left at an abandoned recycling site. No sooner had they cleared the river, then more rubbish would slip down the bank from the dumpsite.

The owner of the defunct recycling business undertook to clear up the site. He brought a front-end loader, and people to come and retrieve the recyclable material. The rubbish was going to go. That was January 2020.
The rubbish didn’t go. The River Rescuers went back into action when the lockdown levels had lifted enough. The former recycler, however, stayed locked down and up to today they’ve not been able to reach him to ask what his plans are.
It’s a mess, and needs to be sorted out – the activists who gathered there last Saturday to put their heads together are clear on that. They have some ideas about who should be doing it and how. Maybe also when – and who should pay for it.
Here’s where you come in. The River Rescuers and enviro activists want to know from you what you think should happen on this piece of land after it’s been cleared up and properly fenced.
Should it become a children’s playpark? A proper controlled recycling depot?
Or…? Please comment on this post to say what you think this land should be used for.