The festive season is upon us, and with it come scammers and chancers who will be preying on unsuspecting people.
One such scammer is a 35-year-old man, from Pretoria in Gauteng who was arrested a week ago for being in possession of counterfeit bank notes with a value of R2 million.
Grocott’s Mail, in partnership with Rhodes Music Radio, caught up with The South African
Reserve bank to learn more about our money – both coins and bank notes. Our reporter Tusani
Mnyandu, had a conversation with Vuyokazi Dlamba, Product Specialist in the South African Reserve Bank’s Currency Management Department, who explained the role of the Bank, some
security features of bank notes and coins, and procedures to follow when you have a concern about cash.
Listen to the interview and see the the South African Reserve Bank’s explanation about notes and coins.
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