Photos and text by NANGAMSO MYOLI
Nelson Mandela University students (left) Robyn Bacon, Victoria Flowers, Shakeera Kafaar and Nicole Jordan Bailey enjoyed the pulled pork tacos from the Dos Chida food truck. They also recommend buying the Sunshine juice to go along with the meal.
(Left) Abbey-Gail Bolton, Jessica Bolton and Tracey Bolton recommend that people try the nutella waffles from Waffel Bak food truck accompanied by coffee from Dos Chida.
(Right) Thulani Maziko and Pamela Dyantyi say they enjoyed the beef stew and rooster brood dish from Mama Africa’s Best Stew tent. Maziko also said the portions were generous and the ladies were friendly.
Clarendon High School Students (left) Sian Alberton and Olivia Schaefer said they returned for a second time for the chicken gyros from the Greek Gyros tent.
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