Tuesday 26 March saw over 20 children from Home of Joy enjoy a Fun Day at Hobbiton on Fairwood Nature Reserve in Makhanda (Grahamstown). The Fun Day was organised by LIV Lukhanyiso Grahamstown. LIV Lukhanyiso partnered with Karoo Catch to provide an exciting afternoon of outdoor games and activities for the children of Home of Joy.

Mama Margaret Ngcangca has been running Home of Joy for 24 years, and provides love and care for orphaned children of all ages. Home is Joy is fully supported by the community and organisations like Lukhanyiso. Ngcangca said that Lukhanyiso often donated clothing and supplies for the children, as well as volunteered their time to play.
The children were ear to ear in smiles and laughter at Fairwood, and competed against eachother during relay and bean bag races as well as other games.
For lunch, Karoo Catch, a Graaff Reinet based community business, graciously donated fish wors for the children, a sausage-like product made from fish. Ken Light, Managing Director of Karoo Catch, said the business was pleased to participate in fun day.
“We are a profit for purpose business focusing on employment, grass roots ownership and food security. Home of Joy’s ethos and values fit with Karoo Catch’s, so sponsoring the event was a natural fit for us,” he said.
“Our food is filled with omega oils, exactly what young developing brains need. We were great full for the opportunity,” said Light.
The fun day was a success, and the partnership between Lukhanyiso, Home of Joy and Karoo Catch will continue to grow.

*Article was changed 11 April to reflect corrections in first paragraph as requested by LIV Lukhanyiso