Martiens Pokbas, one of the Trust Members of St Marks Methodist Church in Alicedale, personally knows Matthys Du Plessis who is one of the co-owners of Pakamiza Trading. After consultation with the other Trust Members – Amin Williams (Chairperson), John Alexander, Donovan Bruintjies and Herbert Bruintjies, they have decided to approached Du Plessis for a sponsor for the Church.

1. 2 x 15inch speakers = R9000.00
2. 12inch amp = R8000.00
3. Keyboard = R8000.00
4. Cordless mic = R4000.00
5. Lapel mic = R3600.00
6. Aircon fan = R9000.00
Total = R41600.00
On 24 February 2019, the Leadership of the St Marks Methodist Church held a Thanksgiving Service for Pakamiza Trading in Alicedale, to show their gratitude and appreciation.
The Leadership of St Marks Methodist Church, members of the Church and the broader community of Alicedale, are extremely grateful for the generous and unselfish sponsorship by Pakamiza Trading. Special thanks to the Directors – Mr Matthys Du Plessis, Eurika Du Plessis and Misss N Singamo.

God Bless you all at Pakamiza Trading.
Yours in Christ
St Marks Methodist Church (Alicedale)
Church Council/Leadership