The 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-Green
It was a landmark race for the 2019 Makana Brick Nite Race, as it not only marked the 20th running of the race, but was also used to celebrate the 25th birthday of major sponsor, Makana Brick. Hundreds of runners came through to take part in the fun 8km race, starting and finishing at Graeme College on Wednesday 6 March.
The 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-Green
With the scorching heat earlier in the day, reaching upwards of 40C at one point, it was feared by the organisers that the turnout would not be as big as in recent years. “We normally have in the region of around 500 people,” said Cathy Braans, one of the organisers of the event. “Today might have been a bit less because of the weather, but I’m not a hundred percent sure just yet,” she said.
Moments after Basil Mills had set off his large starting gun, however, the heat was broken by some much-needed rain in Makhanda (Grahamstown), which cooled down the course substantially. “I think everybody will be so happy the rain, they’ll run faster and quicker and they’ll enjoy it more,” said Braans.
With 2019 being the year that Makana Brick turns 25, Colin Meyer, the founder and CEO of Makana Brick decided that in addition to the majority of the proceeds going to the Grahamstown Hospice, they would also be donating a further R25 000 to the Hospice to further their good work. It has become a major part of the community event that is the Makana Brick Nite Race to donate the large majority of the proceeds from the event to the Hospice, however this year, Meyer wanted to give more back to the community in celebration of the milestone year for his company.
“What it [the race]means to us is a way of getting the town together, people who like exercise and running, and it is probably the biggest race of the year,” said Meyer. “We are just proud to be part of it.”
“Apart from the fact that we are donating an extra 25 000 to Hospice, it is such a great event and it markets itself, so there is nothing particularly different this year,” said Meyer.
The race was closely run by the podium finishers in both the men’s and women’s races, with not much separating the top three of each race. Lubabalo Bokavu ran home the winner of the race overall, with Daniel Cunnama, Thoko Sipungu and Malibonngwe Mbalu finishing in second, third and fourth respectively in the men’s race. In the women’s race, Lauren Ranger crossed over the finish line first, followed by Claire McCann, Terri-Lyn Penney, and Lisa Cirigan, to cap off a great night of running.
The 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe first woman to criss the finish line, Lauren Ranger. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenStephen Penney crosses the finish line of the Makana Brick Nite Race. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenA St Andrew’s College boy salutes as he crosses the finish. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe overall winner of the Makana Brick Nite race, Lubabalo Bokuva, crossing the finish line on Wednesday 6 March. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenOne of the four-legged competitors, Basil, finishes the Makana Brick Nite Race. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenDaniel Cunnama, second place finisher, looks relaxed as he crosses the Makana Brick Nite Race finish line. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenTerri-Lyn Penney crosses the finish line of the Makana Brick Nite Race. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenOne of the four-legged competitors, Basil, finishes the Makana Brick Nite Race. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-Greenit was not only humans that took to the 8km route, with four-legged friends also taking on the Makana Brick Nite Race Challenge. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe mountain of pineapples that awaited runners that finished the Makana Brick Nite Race on Wednesday 6 March. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenThe 20th annual Makana Brick Nite Race was well supported by a large number of runners, joggers, walker and even a few crawlers, as Makana Brick celebrated its 25th year. Photo: Stephen Kisbey-GreenPhoto: Stephen Kisbey-Green
Young and up-and-coming sports reporter with a passion for rugby and cricket. Born and raised in Boksburg, Gauteng, I came to Grahamstown (Makhanda) to learn the journalism trade, and improve all round.