United Shotokan-Ryu (USR) will be hosting André Bertel Sensei in Port Elizabeth on 2 and 3 March for his second South African Seminar. Bertel’s first visit to South Africa, and the African continent, was back in 2013.

Photo: Supplied
Bertel is internationally respected for his innovative and dynamic approach to the practice of traditional Shotokan karate, and is considered to be one of the foremost practitioners of Asai-Ha Shotokan-Ryu. Apart from having received private tuition from the late Japanese Shotokan Karate Master, Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei (1935-2006) over a period spanning two decades, Bertel has also trained with many of the other leading Japanese Shotokan Karate Masters.
Originally from New Zealand, Bertel Sensei currently resides in Oita City, Japan and teaches karate extensively in that Country and abroad. His thorough knowledge of traditional karate combined with his insight into Japanese culture and language enables him to translate the many subtleties and complexities of Japanese karate, which are often overlooked or misunderstood by non-Japanese karate practitioners.
The seminar, which will take place at the Fairview Sports Centre in Port Elizabeth, will be structured into four, two hour sessions. The Seminar is open to all Shotokan Karate practitioners (irrespective of affiliation) age 14 and older, who hold the level of green belt (sixth kyu) or higher.
According to organiser and USR Chairperson, Gary Grapentin, this will be a tremendous opportunity for South African Karateka to learn from Bertel Sensei, who is widely regarded as a leading contemporary master in the practice of Shotokan Karate as a form of traditional Japanese Budo rather than as a sport. He further added that as Bertel Sensei only accepts a limited number of annual international invitations, his visit to South Africa was a major coup for South African Shotokan Karateka.
Grapentin confirmed that while he had already received bookings for the seminar from across South Africa, there were still a few places available which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Members of the public are requested to note that the seminar is closed to spectators.
Grapentin may be contacted at garyg@geenet.co.za for further information.