Say no to Illegal puppy sellers at the side of the street. Puppy Hawkers (puppy sellers on the street) have little or no regard for the welfare of animals, which are in most cases simply commodities of trade to them.
There is no doubt that puppy hawkers rely heavily on the animal loving communities who will do anything to rescue a puppy in this condition regardless of the cost. Do not be emotionally blackmailed! In spite of your best intentions, buying a puppy from a hawker has been proven to perpetuate a cycle of abuse and cruelty. These individuals are likely to be breeding indiscriminately, with no concern for their breeding females whose living conditions are comparable to puppy mills. The puppies are often removed from their mothers when they are extremely young and are often unhealthy and in some instances genetically defective.
In addition, puppies have in the past been stolen to perpetrate this illegal trade from loving homes in and around Grahamstown.
So what should you do if you see a Puppy hawker?
- The greatest assistance will come from members of the public not supporting this trade. In purchasing an animal from the street, one is creating a market and the demand and supply economics factors are set in motion.
- Do not buy the puppy, instead report them immediately with as much information as possible..
- If anybody tries to sell you a puppy on a street corner, please contact SAPS immediately on 0466039111, the SPCA on 0466223233 (or the 24hr SPCA Emergency Line 0648208496) and report this illegal practice.
- Do not put yourself in danger!
For more information and or advice on animal care, please do not hesitate to contact the Grahamstown SPCA or one of the friendly vets in town.
Ikhala Veterinary Practice on Strowan Road, Tel: 046 622 3261
The State Vet on George Street, Tel: 046 622 7112
Grahamstown Veterinary Practice on Fitzroy Street, Tel: 046 622 6743
Keep in touch with all the improvements and updates on your SPCA and our work in the community by following us on Facebook.
For more information, advice or guidance, to report cruelty and or details on how you can donate to help us with the work we are doing in your community, please contact the Grahamstown SPCA on 046 622 3233 or e-mail us at
For any animal related emergencies and or queries please contact the Grahamstown SPCA on 0466223233 or the Emergency Cell on 0648208496