With the current global focus on protecting the environment, the GBS Mutual Bank Mountain Drive Half Marathon will do its part in reducing environmental impact on race day. The race, ready to take place on Saturday 25 August, will reduce harmful waste through a number of donations and strategies specifically designed to make the race as environmentally friendly as possible.

Photo: Sue Maclennan
The Rotary Club of Grahamstown Sunset, which is hosting this year’s GBS Mountain Drive, has enlisted the help of a number of local businesses to ensure that the race is both an all-Grahamstown (Makhanda) enterprise, as well as a green event.
Oasis will donate water to fill up the water tables along the route, and runners will be able to fill up their own mugs and cups at these tables, in order to reduce the need for plastic water sachets. These sachets will be available to runners who do not have their own mugs and cups. They will be responsibly cleaned up after the race by a sweeper vehicle with a trailer that has been donated by Signs Unlimited.
In addition to these water sachets and the fill up tables, paper cups have been chosen to replace the usual polystyrene cups for the coke at each water table along the route, to ensure the most recyclable material is used.
Pick n Pay has sponsored goodie bags available to each participant. Each goodie bag will take the shape of reusable large canvas bags, instead of the usual single-use plastic bags, to ensure that runners can continue to use the bags after the race, for shopping and other storage and carry needs.
The organisers of the GBS Mountain Drive are committed to ensuring that this year’s event is not only a family-fun day, but also an environmentally responsible day. They endeavour to ensure that a small carbon footprint after the race.