On Friday 11 May, the Hill Street Library hosted the children from the Little Souls Pre-School for a reading day to promote reading and storytelling among young children. The children sat attentively around the reader, engrossed in the bright colours and big pictures of the animals in ‘Go tell it to the toucan’ by Colin West.
“We go on various outings every term,” Megan Read, the owner of Little Souls Pre-School and the organiser of the outing, said, “and the library is one of them.”
Nobukhosi Mafumana is the acting children’s librarian. She said she loves having reading days at the library. “I want them to know the importance of reading a book,” she explained.
The children may be shy, but they are clearly very interested in the books being read.
“Books are our friends,” Mafumana told the children, explaining how they can join the library and take books home to read. Each child received a library membership form to take home and complete.
“Nowadays kids are busy with cellphones,” Mafumana said, “I hope this helps them get used to reading.”

Photos: Sarah Connock