The Department of Health recently conducted door to door visits and held a pop-up clinic in Vukani to mark TB Month. Residents were screened for blood pressure, HIV and TB, and those who wanted received condoms. Monica Mcuba is the Makana Subdistrict’s TB and HIV Coordinator and worked alongside enrolled nurse Gersshowon Max, Nomakhaya Mamba (Health Promotion), Yongama Titus (Health Promotion) and Celiwe Cewu (Sarah Baartman District HIV and TB Co-ordinator).
The team provided information about listeriosis, advising that newborn babies, the elderly, pregnant women and unborn babies and those with underlying conditions such as HIV, diabetes, cancer, chronic liver or kidney disease were most at risk. Symptoms were usually mild and might include fever and sometimes nausea or diarrhoea. Good basic hygiene and proper, safe food preparation and storage lessened the risk of contracting the illness.

and brie.
After the session people were provided sausage rolls and cool drinks