CHURCHES OF GRAHAMSTOWN: Grahamstown Baptist Church
By Matthew Jennings

Founded in 1820, the Grahamstown Baptist Church has been “built on the Foundation of the work of God”, as described by student pastor Brian Marx, who has faithfully been serving at the church since 2013. Marx, along with Pastor Dirk Coetzee, lead services on Sundays, which take place at 9.30am and 6.30pm.
Being in a student town, the majority of the congregation are young people coming from various schools in and around the town. The age groups differs from young people to old, with groups of students and families joining in for Sunday celebrations of Christ’s work. The close-knit bond formed within the church stretches further than a Sunday service. Along with the student ministry is also a youth group which gathers on Fridays throughout the year.
The church is part of Rhodes University’s Isaiah 26:8 society, a Christian society with Bible study groups throughout the term. Baptist and its members are also actively involved in various outreach programmes, such as going to Riebeeck East to assist children who are underprivileged. There is also the initiative of “Heart Matters” initiative which is the church’s project from the Pregnancy Care Centre.
The Baptist Church is a place of fellowship, love and community, where God is centred and where great encouragement is present. Pastor Brian’s take on Baptist was “you see a growth, a steady growth and a transformation which is very exciting [in what God is doing at the Church]”.
Anyone and everyone is welcome. For more information, contact:
Brian Marx: 076 199 7868
Dirk Coetzee: 083 947 8867