By Linda Dyani
Finally Cyril Ramaphosa is President of the ruling party. He was Mandela’s choice to succeed him. After all, he had been Chief negotiator in talks that brought down three centuries of white domination to an end …peacefully I might add. But he was not to be the chosen one at the time……..talk of a dream delayed but not denied.
Tata Mandela would be turning 100 years old in 2018, as the late Oliver Tambo would have been this year and quite remarkably the ANC dedicated this year to his life. It was not until the election of CR to be president that the 100 years of these stalwarts became significant to me. And I hope the ANC will dedicate 2018 for Mandela’s 100 years. We have heard the expression “akafanga usathetha?”
CR stands for among other things the return of the values of Mandela and Tambo. To me that is key, for without these values we are forever a lost generation. And it is is thrilling for me that the ANC finally decided to truly honour the old man not just in words but by deeds by electing somebody who stands for these values whether male or female. In the year of Nelson Mandela when he would have been 100 years in 2018, I am prayerfully hoping to see a significant positive change in the way the country is run. Both these old men knew that we would be faced with many challenges in the new democracy but systematic corruption for personal gain as one the main challenges – I don’t think it crossed their minds. The bible says in Hebrews 12: 1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
The “great clouds of witnesses” are looking at us and God will make sure that their struggle was not in vain. The ruling party will be forced to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and we will run with perseverance the race marked out for us as a nation to deliver our people from poverty and inequality. IT IS NOW OR NEVER!
Congratulations new President!