Hundreds of children brought traffic to a standstill outside Port Alfred last Sunday as they marched a good kilometre or more from the community hall in Alfred Road to the Port Alfred High School fields, where they were an impressive sight as they performed various drill during a spectacular parade. The children were members of the Seventh Day Adventist church’s Adventurer Club, in Port Alfred for the church’s Cape Conference. Aged from 3 to 9, they came from King William’s Town, Butterworth, East London, Idutywa, Peddie and Queenstown. Photo: Sue Maclennan

Hundreds of children brought traffic to a standstill outside Port Alfred last Sunday as they marched a good kilometre or more from the community hall in Alfred Road to the Port Alfred High School fields, where they were an impressive sight as they performed various drill during a spectacular parade. The children were members of the Seventh Day Adventist church’s Adventurer Club, in Port Alfred for the church’s Cape Conference. Aged from 3 to 9, they came from King William’s Town, Butterworth, East London, Idutywa, Peddie and Queenstown. Photo: Sue Maclennan