In only four months Evolve Fitness has had a good reception from Grahamstown residents who want to change their lifestyles and live a better life.
The well equiped gym facility has qualified and specialized trainers that help clients achieve their targets.
“We opened in June this year and have had a very good turn out,” said Shane Engelbrecht who is a personal trainer at Evolve Fitness. He explained that they offer one-on-one personal training and calisthenics body weight training for their clients.
He is joined by three colleagues: Matt Short who specializes in martial arts and movement, Nicholas Bruce who does Chinese boxing and Sarah Long who is a boxing trainer and a fitness and yoga instructor.

Engelbrecht said their clients have an intimate gym session with their personal trainer where they are isolated and can do more holistic exercises. “The main function of this gym facility is that it is more functional, personal and integrated. We found that the body works as a whole and that is why we offer mind and body training for our clients,” he said.
He added that if you’re not motivated or committed then it all counts for nothing as the goal is to offer an affordable and sustainable fitness programme.
With the crime rate in South Africa rising, he added that people must utilize their strength to defend themselves.
Engelbrecht said that Evolve Fitness is more personal because the trainers are there to help their clients identify if they’re doing the exercise incorrectly, as opposed to a gym when you are part of a group. However, he added that they do have group classes on offer.
“I wanted to open something with fewer machines because each of us specializes in a specific field. When you’re on a machine you are using one set of muscles but that is not how the body works. The body works as whole,” he said.

“When you lift something up you don’t just lift it up with your arms, instead you use your back and legs, hence it is called body weight exercise. Also if your mind is not in the right place then you will not be able to do the exercise and stick to it”.
“It doesn’t matter how good your diet is, if you’re not in the right space and not disciplined or committed, then you are wasting your time. We want to motivate our clients and give them the right space,” he said.
Their oldest client is 70 years old as they tailor exercises that are sustainable and easy to learn for all ages.
“Every time you come here we will push you harder to get the results you want. It’s important to know that by working hard you will achieve your goal, which is what I call sweat equity. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, then Evolve Fitness is the wrong place to be,”. he concluded.
The gym can be found at 11 Donkin Street. Make an appointment on 078 384 2381 or like the Evolve Fitness page on Facebook.