By Sarah Durr
On Friday 15 September, Coaching for Conservation hosted the first Running Wild-funded Bush RAP. The money raised through the Running Wild Trail run enabled two Grade 5 classes to attend a Bush RAP (Rapid Awareness Programme) at Amakhala Game Reserve.
Fifty children from both Ntaba Maria Primary School and St Mary’s Primary School, spent last Friday in the excellent hands of C4C’s 10 St Andrew’s and DSG volunteer coaches who helped facilitate the Learning from Wildlife games and activities. C4C praised the mentors for their time and energy invested.
The coaches reported that the children were very shy at first and did not want to ‘mix’, but as the day progressed, the participants started to befriend one another, learning about and from each other – sowing seeds of learning to respect and love one another.
The children valued this opportunity to learn about rhino, the threat of poaching and to explore what they could do in their everyday lives to help save our endangered animals. The highlight of the day for many of the children was going on a game drive with the Amakhala game rangers and seeing elephant, zebra, giraffe and lion in their natural habitat. For many it was their first experience and drew a powerful emotional reaction.
This successful day would not have been possible without the immense support the Grahamstown community showed towards C4C’s inaugural Running Wild Trail Run. “It is thanks to our Running Wild Trail enthusiasts and our sponsors that these 50 children, have become kids who care!” C4C said.
Amakhala Game Reserve, Sidbury Sports Club, Harcourts, St Andrew’s and DSG, Grocott’s Mail and Investec Rhino Lifeline were sponsors of the event.
C4C urged runners and non-runners alike to start training for the 2018 Running Wild Trail Run.
“You too can Run Wild for a Reason!”
Sarah Durr is a part time Masters student at Rhodes in Environmental Education and works part time for C4C as the Programme Facilitator and Communications Director.
C4C celebrates World Rhino Day 2017 V2 FINAL