Members of the public are invited to the Rhodes University Science Faculty’s Open Day on Saturday 5 August which, along with a programme for schoolchildren, forms part of the Grahamstown’s celebrations of National Science Week, from 5 to 13 August 2017.
Around 400 Grade 9 learners will be joining the Scifac team for a fun, informative day that’s sure to get them excited about Science and Mathematics and encourage them to continue with those subjects through to Grade 12.
The learners will get a glimpse into different disciplines and career opportunities in the sciences during a day of fun and fantastic activities on Saturday 5 August.
Vice Chancellor Dr Sizwe Mabizela will welcome them, and staff from Rhodes University’s Career Centre will talk to them about subject choices. They will then break off to participate in activities presented by the Scifac Open Day Hosts.
Scifac Community Engagement Officer Kim Weaver says they’ve put together an exciting programme.
“We have 19 activities on offer, which include everything from a Pharmacy Magic Show, to Hip-hop Computer Science and Taxidermy Demonstrations,” Weaver said.
“A range of departments and research groups from Rhodes University are included, with presenters also from the SA Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), the Albany Museum and the Amakhala Foundation.”
Members of the public are welcome to join in the Open Day, which is 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 5 August and if you’d like to bring your pupils or your own children along, email Kim Weaver at
“Please feel free as citizens of Grahamstown to have a walk around campus and witness this unforgettable morning,” Weaver said.

Chemistry magnet. Photo: Sue Maclennan

Chemistry solar cell. Photo: Sue Maclennan
Vice Chancellor Dr Sizwe Mabizela will welcome them, and staff from Rhodes University’s Career Centre will talk to them about subject choices. They will then break off to participate in activities presented by the Scifac Open Day Hosts.
Scifac Community Officer Kim Weaver says they’ve put together an exciting programme.
“We have 19 activities on offer, which include everything from a Pharmacy Magic Shows, to Hip-hop Computer Science and Taxidermy Demonstrations,” Weaver said.
“A range of departments and research groups from Rhodes University are included, with presenters also from the SA Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), the Albany Museum and the Amakhala Foundation.”
Members of the public are welcome to join in the Open Day, which is 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 5 August and if you’d like to bring your pupils or your own children along, email Kim Weaver at
“Please feel free as citizens of Grahamstown to have a walk around campus and witness this unforgettable morning,” Weaver said.