Gatsby, a bearded collie, and Hannah, a cross bearded collie/ Tibetan terrier will perform with their owner Ron Cosser at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town tonight – and all for a good cause.
Gatsby, a bearded collie, and Hannah, a cross bearded collie/ Tibetan terrier will perform with their owner Ron Cosser at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town tonight – and all for a good cause.
When Grocott's Mail spoke to Cosser, he was busy brushing Gatsby and Hannah to get their long hair ready for the big night – "to make them look respectable".
Dancers love dogs was started by Cape Town dance teacher Brigette Reeve-Taylor in 2012.
It aims to raise funds for and awareness of the mass sterilisation of dogs as a means to help curb the population of unwanted animals.
Dancers who are passionate about animals volunteer their time to create the annual show.
This year the event is hosted by comedian Alan Committie and includes an eclectic mix of ballet, hip hop, Irish, tap and modern dance.
"I'll be doing a dance routine with Gatsby, and a second one with Hannah," Cosser told Grocott's Mail in a telephone interview today.
"Every seat that's sold results in a spay, and it's a once-off performance."
For lots of photos and full results of last weekend's dog show hosted at PJ Olivier, read this Friday's edition of Grocott's Mail.
Meanwhile, you can watch the video: