‘Opening up the Shutters’ – a Radio Grahamstown/Grocott’s Mail Live Debate will go out on Wednesday 2 December, 9.30am to 11.30am on Radio Grahamstown 102.1 FM.
‘Opening up the Shutters’ – a Radio Grahamstown/Grocott’s Mail Live Debate will go out on Wednesday 2 December, 9.30am to 11.30am on Radio Grahamstown 102.1 FM.
Looting that targeted immigrant-owned spaza shops in Grahamstown’s townships began on 21 October. Since then, speculation has been rife about what sparked events that, in 48 hours turned hundreds of lives upside-down, and ruined livelihoods.
One idea is that it’s our current economic structure, the way that different kinds of local businesses work, that was the underlying cause.
And, if that doesn’t change, then there’s always the chance of it happening again – something nobody wants. What can be done to prevent more violence and prejudice?
What needs to change and who needs to change it?
Who are the people who can make a difference to the way forward?
How can we secure the future?
Grocott’s Mail and Radio Grahamstown present ‘Opening up the Shutters’, a live radio debate that seeks to answer some of those questions.
Hosted by Radio G’s Xolani Kondile, it will feature a prominent Grahamstown entrepreneur, a spokesperson for the displaced business-owners, as well as Dr John Reynolds of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University and Nokanyo Jili, SMME, Trade and Investment Manager in Makana Municipality
And you.
Call the studio during the show on 046 622 8899, Tweet using the handle @radioght or @Grocotts or, any time from now, leave your question or comment on the Radio Grahamstown or Grocott’s Mail Facebook pages.
We want to know what you’ve got to say and what questions you’d like to ask our panel.
Tune in to Radio Grahamstown at 102.1FM between 9.30am and 11.30am on Wednesday 2 December or leave your questions and comments on social media any time between now and then.
Be part of the discussion, be part of ‘Opening up the Shutters’.