The SA Post Office wants to give its customers a friendly reminder that the "renewal cycle" for postbox and Private Bag subscriptions is open.
The SA Post Office wants to give its customers a friendly reminder that the "renewal cycle" for postbox and Private Bag subscriptions is open.
People can renew at any post office or online at .
Renew and, as they say, "ensure complete security and privacy for your mail".
If you pay by 31 December 2015, the cost will be R380.
If you pay after 1 January 2016, the cost will be R420 – so it's worth getting it done before the end of the year.
“Post boxes are readily available and safe, allowing customers to access their mail at their
convenience,” says Andrew Nongogo, acting head of Mail Business at the post office.
Post boxes are particularly useful to people who receive important or sensitive items in the
mail, he adds.