Grocott’s Mail and the Journalism and Media Studies (JMS) Sports Beat held their inaugural sports awards for JMS students this week.
Grocott’s Mail and the Journalism and Media Studies (JMS) Sports Beat held their inaugural sports awards for JMS students this week.
The awards, for students who have written stories and/or taken photographs for Grocott’s Mail through Sports Beat, aim to encourage good sports writing and photography and, through that, increase students' chances of future employment.
Through the Sports Beat initiative, students are mentored as they cover sports events, write articles and take pictures.
A number of the student reporters have had pieces published in various regional and national newspapers, as well as student leader of the group, Brandon Yates, appearing on SABC 3’s Expresso morning show on several occasions.
Among the judging panel for the sports awards was JMS lecturer Rod Amner and seasoned sports reporter, Sid Penney.
The panel found the entries to be “of a high standard.” The Photographer of the Year award went to Ashleigh Morris and Writer of the Year was won jointly by Yolulwe Qoshe and Leonard Solms.
Special Mention for Writing awards went to: Brandon Yates, Inga sibiya and Stephen Pettitt.