Makana Municipality has appointed a committee to investigate councillors implicated in corruption in the final report from the Kabuso audit firm, which will be made public.
Makana Municipality has appointed a committee to investigate councillors implicated in corruption in the final report from the Kabuso audit firm, which will be made public.
The committee will be made up of five councillors from the three political parties in the Makana Council. The committee will be chaired by ANC councillor Vuyani Kolisi and councillor Ernest Louw of the ANC is the secretary.
Other councillors in the committee are Nonzameko Thyantsula of the ANC, the DA's Les Reynolds and Nozipho Plaatjie from the Congress of the People.
The Kabuso report alleges irregularities involving a number of high-ranking Makana Municipality officials. Among the officials named in the report are former mayor Zamuxolo Peter and former Council Speaker Rachel Madinda-Isaac.
The report also revealed details of alleged irregularities ranging from appointments in which correct protocols weren't followed, to irregular payments.
In a statement released by municipal spokesperson Yoliswa Ramokolo she said the Council resolved that the Kabuso report submitted to the Council meeting of 26 February is deemed the final Kabuso Report.
There had been a lot of confusion around four versions of the report from the Kabuso audit firm.
Newly appointed executive mayor Nomhle Gaga announced in a press briefing after an ordinary council meeting Tuesday 15 September that the firm had submitted an affidavit to Council indicating that the 26 February version should be adopted as the final report.
Ramokolo said any future discussion on the Kabuso report by Council will be treated as public and will thus no longer be treated as confidential item.
In the council meeting it was resolved that the committee will use the Kabuso report of 26 February in reference to its investigation.
Ramokolo said according to the resolutions of the meeting, the municipal officials implicated by Kabuso in their report will be dealt with through municipal administrative processes.
The council must convene a special council meeting within 14 days to clarify the implementation of the report.
Ramokolo said the main body of the 26 February report must be distributed to councillors who do not have copies of it.