Makana Municipality leaders were made to answer some difficult questions about issues – including the Kabuso Report and the reshuffle of its cabinet – during a meeting with the National Council Of Provinces (NCOP) this week.
Makana Municipality leaders were made to answer some difficult questions about issues – including the Kabuso Report and the reshuffle of its cabinet – during a meeting with the National Council Of Provinces (NCOP) this week.
ANC MP, Tabiso Wana, had some tough questions for the ANC-led municipality during the special sitting of NCOP in the Grahamstown city hall on Tuesday.
Wana wanted to know why the DA had taken the municipality to court and who would foot the bill for the court proceedings.
In response to this question, Nomhle Gaga explained that they admitted, as Council, that there were irregularities with her appointment as mayor.
She said that, despite this, the DA also had a responsibility to pay the legal fees because they had taken the matter to court.
However, Judge Jeremy Pickering has since ordered Makana to pay the costs of the application.
Wana also raised issues around the Kabuso report, saying that the explanation given as to why it hasn't been adopted and made public was vague. She said this matter had been under discussion during their last visit to Makana.
Councillor Mabhuti Matyumza came to the municipality's defence, saying that the Kabuso report was one of Pam Yako's terms of reference. Matyumza went on to explain that there are currently four reports from Kabuso.
He said only Kabuso themselves were in a position to determine which is the right version of the report. Matyumza said the municipality had also sought legal advice regarding the reports.
"As Council we decided that we could not adopt any of the reports because there were four versions," he said.
However, Matyumza said there was light at the end of the tunnel because Kabuso had signed an affidavit stating which version the Council should adopt.
Wana also raised concern about the organogram of the municipality and the filling of key positions such as a permanent municipal manager.
Newly appointed administrator, Jongisizwe Gomomo, said the municipality was currently under litigation with regards to the municipal manager's post.
Gomomo said they were waiting for the results of that case before they can proceed with employing a permanent municipal manager.
Civic organisations at the meeting had different views with regards to the dissolution of the Council, with some against it, while others supported the move.
Makana Business Chamber chairperson, Lungile Mxube, said NCOP's last visit gave them some hope, but said things had gone from bad to worse since the last time they were here.
He called for the Council to be dissolved and urged NCOP to keep Fikile Xasa, MEC for Local Government, away from Makana, because he has his own interests in the municipality.
Mxube also urged NCOP to institute a forensic audit in Makana. Makana SAMWU chairperson, Zola Kolisi, was against the dissolution of the Council.
Kolisi called for a bail out from Cogta so Makana can clear its debts. Andile Hoyi, chairperson of Makana Contractors Forum, was also against the dissolution of the Council.
He said Council must move with speed in the next council meeting to address the Kabuso report issue. He also raised concerns over the litigations against the municipality.