September is Clean-up South Africa Month and what better time to celebrate the beauty of spring than to pay homage to our magnificent environment.
September is Clean-up South Africa Month and what better time to celebrate the beauty of spring than to pay homage to our magnificent environment.
The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) promotes a clean and healthy environment and encourages all South Africans to do their part in preserving our natural splendour.
Prof Suzan Oelofse, President of IWMSA, says, “During Clean-up SA Month, we would like to make residents aware of daily actions that will make a change in the long run. Why not reduce your environmental footprint by thinking of the ‘6 R’s of Sustainability’ when using or buying items?"
1. Reduce – Make a conscious decision to use and consume less. Buy only what you need and be mindful of unnecessary wastage – rather buy reusable items and reconsider over packaging.
2. Rethink – Be aware of your consumption habits. Rethink and question everything you buy and consume. By making this a daily routine, you will soon become aware of products that are recyclable or made from recyclable materials.
3. Refuse – Another way to be more sustainable is to refuse to buy or consume certain items. This is not always easy and does not mean that you should not consume – rather to consume with care and thought.
4. Recycle – Recycling is one of the most popular R’s. By separating recyclable materials at source, waste is diverted from landfill sites and clean recyclables become available as secondary resources.
5. Reuse – This is where creativity comes in. There are a lot of items that can be used for something else or by someone else, extending their life. Before you throw items away, first think of whether it can be used for something else. Also think about donating items to people or organisations that can make use of it.
6. Replace – Again, be conscious consumers by looking at the products and items you buy. There are a lot of fantastic products on the market that are environmentally friendly and recyclable, which you could consider when replacing consumer goods.
“It all comes down to conscious consumerism – by being informed and willing to make a change, residents can help alleviate waste to landfill,” says Oelofse.
If you would like to be part of the change, visit and find out where your nearest recycler is.
For more information on Clean-up SA Month and events they have planned, visit
For more information on the IWMSA, visit or contact 011-675-3462.
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