The Eastern Cape Intervarsity takes place this weekend, hosted at Rhodes University.
The Eastern Cape Intervarsity takes place this weekend, hosted at Rhodes University.
Students from the University of Fort Hare, Walter Sisulu University and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University will join students from Rhodes in the annual sporting tournament.
This year’s Intervarsity kicks off on Friday morning with an early start for the golfers, at 7.30am at the Grahamstown Golf Club.
The Athletics Club will host a 10km event from Great Field in the afternoon, with other sporting events taking place throughout the campus.
Soccer starts from 2pm with the last match of the day taking place at 8pm between Rhodes men 1sts and NMMU 1sts.
Saturday’s action starts at 9am with volleyball, table tennis, netball, soccer and rugby. Intervarsity will be concluded with the 1st rugby clash between Rhodes and Walter Sisulu University.
For a programme, click here