Look out in this week's Grocott's Mail for our special Trading Live supplement. In it you will find photos and stories about the wide range of activities that happened during the Trading Live week, when individuals and organisation across the town exchanged skills and services in honour of Mandela Day.
Look out in this week's Grocott's Mail for our special Trading Live supplement. In it you will find photos and stories about the wide range of activities that happened during the Trading Live week, when individuals and organisation across the town exchanged skills and services in honour of Mandela Day.
No fewer than 115 teams participated in this year's event. Everyone who took part is invited to attend the opening of the Trading Live exhibition on 17 August at 4.30pm at Eden Grove, Rhodes University.
The exhibition will run for the whole week.
All are welcome to attend and learn more about Trading Live and the organisations that worked so hard to make a meaningful contribution to the Grahamstown community.