Young scientists from the Amatole, Cacadu and Chris Hani District Municipalities will travel to Grahamstown last weekend for the Rhodes University/Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Grahamstown Regional Final to be held on Saturday.
Young scientists from the Amatole, Cacadu and Chris Hani District Municipalities will travel to Grahamstown last weekend for the Rhodes University/Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Grahamstown Regional Final to be held on Saturday.
The Eskom Expo for Young Scientists is South Africa’s national science fair that affords learners the opportunity to enter a project to exhibit their own scientific investigation.
The project aims to inspire and develop young scientists who are able to identify a problem, analyse information, find solutions and communicate findings effectively.
Participants are first required to enter a project into one of 32 regional finals, where projects will be selected for entry into the International Science Fair (ISF) to be held in Johannesburg in October.
Here, participants can also win the opportunity to represent South Africa at various other international science fairs held around the world in 2015/2016.
The Grahamstown Regional Final is one of the country’s most prestigious regional events, offering first year bursaries for study in the sciences at Rhodes University to learners who entered the top five projects.
The Grahamstown Regional Final is implemented by staff of Scifest Africa who volunteer their time to support the development of young scientists in South Africa.
“Africa holds the key to unlocking solutions to its own socio-economic problems, and that key is the vast resource of young people who must innovate outside of necessity, but have an incredible ability to think outside the box.” said Director of Scifest Africa, Anja Fourie.
The Grahamstown Regional Final took place in the Rhodes University First Year Chemistry Lab, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Artillery Road on Saturday,1 August, and projects were open for viewing by the general public from 9.30am-11.30am and 3.30pm-4.30pm.
The regional final forms part of National Science Week, an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology, which is an annual country-wide celebration of science that involves stakeholders conducting science-related activities at multiple sites in all nine provinces simultaneously.