Umthathi's vision of working towards a sustainable future made the Joza-based community food-growing project the obvious choice to be recipients of a R5 000 cheque from Rhodes University's Green Fund.
Umthathi's vision of working towards a sustainable future made the Joza-based community food-growing project the obvious choice to be recipients of a R5 000 cheque from Rhodes University's Green Fund.
The sum was raised during the Fund committee's annual Makana Green Fun Run.
Professor of Environmental Science Fred Ellery, who chairs the committee, spoke to a small gathering of Umthathi staff and pupils from nearby Ntsika High School.
Illustrating the value of Umthathi's work, he highlighted the sustainability predicament the Earth faces.
"The human development index is at 0.66," he said.
"But humanity's ecological footprint is 2.3. We are over-using the Earth's resources and not restoring them fast enough."
Ellery said Umthathi's practice of working towards a sustainable future was consistent with Rhodes University's vision and mission.
Director of operations at Umthathi Training Project Monica Canca praised the Green Fund for its role in bringing communities together.
She praised Rhodes, through such initiatives, for increasing understanding among communities of Green issues, and helping develop their knowledge base in a two-way flow.
The Ntsika Octet performed two items, and Grade 10 pupil Luvo Masinda sang two solo items.