Makana municipality is frantically trying to spend R49 million from its Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) in the space of two months after acting Chief Financial Officer Busi Khumalo managed to convince National Treasury to grant them an extension to spend it.
Makana municipality is frantically trying to spend R49 million from its Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) in the space of two months after acting Chief Financial Officer Busi Khumalo managed to convince National Treasury to grant them an extension to spend it.
Executive Mayor Zamuxolo Peter applauded Khumalo during a recent special council meeting for her leadership in securing funding which might have otherwise gone unspent. However, the municipality faces the challenge of spending so much money in a short amount of time.
Peter urged officials to act swiftly and decisively and spend the money within the stipulated period.
The mayor said there was no need for meetings because projects were already identified in the budget adjustment.
In the meeting, councillors expressed dissatisfaction regarding the fact that Administrator Pam Yako's contract had been extended without their knowledge.
Council agreed it needed written confirmation of the extension of Yako's contract until June.