Take part in the Water World programme this Scifest and learn about the incredible variety of life in water
Take part in the Water World programme this Scifest and learn about the incredible variety of life in water
What is water?
Why is it so special?
Why is it necessary for life?
Where does water come from?
How big is the ocean?
Is the ocean getting warmer?
How varied are marine and freshwater biodiversity?
What IS biodiversity?
Why should we study the sea?
What are the aliens in our watery ecosystems?
Why are they there?
These are just some of the questions that tease the enquiring minds of young and old. At Scifest Africa Water World, from 18-24 March 2015 is where you may just find the answers you’ve been looking for.
The South African Institute Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB) is hosting the third annual Water World at Scifest Africa from 18-24 March. Water World showcases a wide range of water- related exhibits during the Scifest Africa programme. "It doesn’t matter how old or
young you are," says Water World event organiser Vanessa Rouhani. "There are exciting things you can learn at the exhibition."
Find out why sharks do indeed have so many teeth and even touch them thanks to Shark World and its amazing robotic shark presented by the KZN Sharks Board. Visit the KZN Sharks Board shark exhibit and you might be in for a surprise!
Put on your board shorts or bikinis and take a day-trip to the coast (bookings are essential) and you will be rewarded with a day in the company of South Africa’s premier A-rated estuarine scientist, Professor Alan Whitfield.
He will explain how the intricate andcomplex ecosystems of our estuaries sustain and nurture fishes and other aquatic creatures, while having to cope with the
increasing demands of human development. Find out how Algoa Bay, right on our doorstep has been declared an international Hope Spot for marine conservation.
Karen Anderson, who has been diving the oceans for 45 years, will show you what happens to light below the surface of the ocean.
Take a tour through Water World and see SAIAB’s collection of aquatic specimens, or make a booking to attend one or more of the informative talkshops on offer.
Water World is situated on Somerset Street – look out for the Water World banners. All workshops, excursions and tours can be booked through the Scifest Africa ticket office at the Monument.
A special Water World shuttle will run regularly through the day every day from the Monument to Water World: meet at the Water World kiosk at the Monument.
For more information on the full Water World programme of events go to the Scifest website: www.scifest.org.za/index.php?pid=4 All booking must be made through Scifest Africa on 046 603 1106 or
contact info@scifest.org.za for more information.