New water meters have been installed in some parts of Grahamstown. This is the first phase in a project to replace the old meters, which were difficult to read.
New water meters have been installed in some parts of Grahamstown. This is the first phase in a project to replace the old meters, which were difficult to read.
In a 1 September interview with Makana Mayor Zamuxolo Peter and Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation Pamela Tshwete, Peter said the problem was that water users were being under-billed because of inadequate meter-reading systems.
"New meters are currently being installed," he said. He also stated that some of themeters being replaced are 40 years old, hence the inadequacy of the readings gotten from them.
Makana municipal spokesperson Yoliswa Ramkolo confirmed Grocott's Mail that the project is currently underway. Every day, new blue-and-white water meters are being installed in household and institutions around Grahamstown, she said.