"Success! The repaired motor has been laser aligned and commissioned," a delighted Chris Nair of Amatola Water SMSed Grocott's Mail on Tuesday 15 April.
"Success! The repaired motor has been laser aligned and commissioned," a delighted Chris Nair of Amatola Water SMSed Grocott's Mail on Tuesday 15 April.
Nair was referring to the Howieson's Poort standby pump's motor, which has been badly needed. Although the main pump has been keeping Makana's water flowing, it was on its last legs.
The motor couldn't be switched off even when the reservoirs were overflowing, which led to Nair's surprise call for the public to use as much water as they could.
The motor's brushes are so badly blown that the motor is having its turn to trek to Jo'burg for repairs, Nair said.
All reservoirs are still full and although the lay dams are 0% and 20% respectively, they will be filled during the next week. In plain language, all is well with the water. (Unless the newly-repaired standby motor unexpectedly gives trouble.)