Recent media reports regarding the rape, murder and 'disposal' of the Diepsloot toddlers have left South Africans shocked and horrified at what these young people had to endure.
Recent media reports regarding the rape, murder and 'disposal' of the Diepsloot toddlers have left South Africans shocked and horrified at what these young people had to endure.
Despite having a brilliant bill of rights, we fail our children daily as we cannot provide the most basic of needs – their safety and security.
Grahamstown Child Welfare has responded to child abuse by establishing a Child Protection Action Forum (CPAF) with other agencies in town working with children.
At a recent CPAF meeting, clear protocol was drawn up for reporting cases of abuse against children:
• Phone the police immediately when there are signs of abuse or it has been witnessed or reported to you
• Police are responsible for taking the victim to the hospital where the findings are noted on a medical form supplied by the police (Form J88)
• The hospital social worker or SAPS (family violence, child protection or sexual offences unit) will contact the relevant social worker. In the case of children under the age of 10 it would be Child Welfare and for children over the age of 10, the Department of Social Development
• If abuse is confirmed by the doctor, police will proceed with investigations
• The social worker assigned to the case will investigate the home circumstances, provide counselling to the family as well as ensure the child’s safety
One of the roles of the forum is to create awareness around child abuse and protection. Also to gain clarity on the roles of all of the agencies involved in working with children to ensure the best care for children in need of protection.
This forum was launched in July 2012 and is currently co-ordinated by Martha Thompson of Child Welfare.
Anyone interested in participating in forum discussions may contact Mrs Thompson at 046 6361355.