Eighty-five teachers from around the Eastern Cape attended a workshop on inclusive education at Victoria Girls' High School recently.
Eighty-five teachers from around the Eastern Cape attended a workshop on inclusive education at Victoria Girls' High School recently.
The aim of the two-day event was to raise awareness among teachers and community members about diversity in the classroom.
Teachers were encouraged to recognise pupils' individual strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses. By doing this, it was argued, teachers can show their respect for pupils' diversity and offer them a valuable learning experience.
Among the guest speakers at the workshops were psychologists and representatives from the Department of Education, the Makana Youth Programme, the Department of Home Affairs, the Department of Social Development, the Department of Sport, Arts Culture and Recreation, and the Department of Agriculture.
Teachers got the chance to discuss individual cases with experts, who gave them advice on how to deal with children from different backgrounds and with different personalities.
The workshop formed part of an ongoing initiative that started in 2008, with the Eastern Cape Department of Education declaring 2013 the year of inclusive education.