Shifting land rights and the future of conservation in the Albany thicket biome is one of the focus areas of the upcoming conference of the Thicket Forum.
Shifting land rights and the future of conservation in the Albany thicket biome is one of the focus areas of the upcoming conference of the Thicket Forum.
The conference from 3-5 September is the 10th annual meeting of the group formed in 2004 – of people from all walks of life with a shared interest in sub-tropical thicket and biodiversity.
Thicket – also known as Valley Bushveld – is one of South Africa’s major ecosystems, and contains exceptionally high numbers of different plant species compared to other ecosystems.
Many of these plants are found nowhere else in the world.
Thicket provides a habitat for many animal species, and provides people with food, medicines, fuel-wood, culturally-important plants and beautiful landscapes for recreation. More than 70% of thicket has been degraded or removed, so many of these unique plant species and their valued uses are under threat.
At the Thicket Forum researchers, managers, farmers, rural communities and other interested parties discuss the sustainable management of thicket, with the aim of conserving our natural heritage for future generations of South Africans.
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