Members of the Community Workers Project (CWP) staged a march down Dr Jacob Zuma Drive to municipal offices on Tuesday 20 August because the felt they had been treated unfairly.
Members of the Community Workers Project (CWP) staged a march down Dr Jacob Zuma Drive to municipal offices on Tuesday 20 August because the felt they had been treated unfairly.
It appears that their shift allocations had been split up into two eight-day cycles. This meant they were paid for only eight days work out of every 16. Their supervisors, on the other hand, were allowed to work and claim for the full 16 days.
"We are striking because we are broken down into two groups and we are given eight days per group to work and earn R520; while our supervisors are given R1 950 to work for 16 days," Akhona Ralo said.
She further said their supervisors are not qualified. The groups elected the supervisors, not because they are qualified, she said, but just to act as liaisons with the project manager.
Project Manager Xolani Simakuhle was unaware of the protest.