The new Municipal Manager, Dr Pravine Naidoo, might be a somewhat controversial figure but he is certainly a man of action.
The new Municipal Manager, Dr Pravine Naidoo, might be a somewhat controversial figure but he is certainly a man of action.
He has been in the post for slightly over two months and has already ruffled many feathers over at City Hall where the prevailing atmosphere can euphemistically be described as ‘tense’.
Naidoo does not waste time. On the very evening when Council approved his appointment, he immediately issued instructions to set up his offices with the appropriate office equipment. He told his senior management team that they have to turn “our ailing municipality around and to work as a team with a vigorous sense of urgency”.
At a signing ceremony last week, Naidoo said that the first contract to cross his desk was for the Innowind wind turbine farm – a project that had been stalled for several years before he got to it.
He has since made a detailed presentation to councillors about the key priorities for his administration.
The comprehensive plan contains 50 points calling municipal staff members to action – or face the consequences.
Of course, making presentations is one thing, actually implementing such a plan can be much more difficult.
But even if he only manages to implement a quarter of his 50 points then we, the residents of Makana, can expect to see a massive improvement in municipal service delivery.
The chances of Naidoo carrying out his programme of action depend largely on his political backing and ability to manage his staff.
It would appear that his support within the ruling ANC structures is as solid as he might hope for, but he is going to face a serious challenge transforming the low staff morale prevailing at City Hall into something more productive.
Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles in Naidoo’s administration is one that is being dealt with as this column is being written.
When he was not re-employed as municipal manager in 2007, he initiated legal proceedings against Makana municipality.
This case has not been resolved so as the situation stands, Naidoo is currently suing the very entity for which he is the accounting officer.
A confidential Council meeting that took place on Thursday 6 June – media not allowed – was aimed at resolving the impasse between Naidoo and Makana municipality.
The municipality currently being run by one and the same municipal manager, Dr Pravine Naidoo.
These circumstances are more than a little awkward and probably cover a curious conflict of interest situation.