Poor attendance and technical difficulties put paid to Tuesday night's Municipal Public Accounts Commission (MPAC) public participation meeting on the 2011/2012 Annual Report for Makana Municipality in the Albany Road Recreation Hall. It was one of seven such public participation meetings in the past two weeks.
Poor attendance and technical difficulties put paid to Tuesday night's Municipal Public Accounts Commission (MPAC) public participation meeting on the 2011/2012 Annual Report for Makana Municipality in the Albany Road Recreation Hall. It was one of seven such public participation meetings in the past two weeks.
Committee chairperson Councillor Julie Wells and Councillor Les Reynolds were determined to continue should there be more than three members of the public in attendance.
The oversight report is designed to outline the successes and failures of the municipality over the financial year. It is both a legislative and accountability requirement that the MPAC presents an overall review on governance, service-delivery performance and general organisational performance.
Members of the public are encouraged to give feedback to the Council. This feedback is documented in the final report and it is the responsibility of the municipality to take suggestions into account and address changes for future years