Small business entrepreneurs, high school pupils, students and members of the community are invited to take part in the Rhodes University Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Business Week. This business skills development initiative will end on Thursday.
Small business entrepreneurs, high school pupils, students and members of the community are invited to take part in the Rhodes University Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Business Week. This business skills development initiative will end on Thursday.
SIFE is part of an international organisation that mobilises university students around the world to make a difference in their communities, said its president, Webster Lenyanyabedi.
He said the introduction of business week was intended to challenge the problem of unemployment in Grahamstown, by highlighting the importance of entrepreneurship and providing sustainable solutions for business challenges.
“We hope to encourage sustainable entrepreneurship in the community, creating a platform where people will be able to be self dependent,” said Lenyanyabedi.
Intended to encourage small struggling local entrepreneurs and those aspiring to develop their business skills, activities include advice on how to create a business, and how to make positive changes to an existing business.
“We hope that all stakeholders within the community should get involved, because we believe that the problems in the community can only be solved if everyone plays their role,” said Lenyanyabedi.
Members of the community are invited to the closing event on Thursday at 6pm, where prominent local entrepreneurs such as Colin Meyer, of Makana Brick, and Tim Dold, of PG Glass, will be speakings. The venue is Eden Grove lecture theatre, Rhodes University.
Workshops will run from 2pm to 5pm today, tomorrow and Thursday. For more information, email, or call Lenyanyabedi at 076 602 9845.