A national MP has vowed to put Municipal Manager Ntombi Baart on the spot about why local people aren't getting jobs. At an ANC branch meeting held in the Noluthando Hall in Joza on Saturday, MP Bonisile Nesi suggested that an open discussion on Radio Grahamstown between the MM and members of the public should be organised.
A national MP has vowed to put Municipal Manager Ntombi Baart on the spot about why local people aren't getting jobs. At an ANC branch meeting held in the Noluthando Hall in Joza on Saturday, MP Bonisile Nesi suggested that an open discussion on Radio Grahamstown between the MM and members of the public should be organised.
The meeting was organised by the Ward 2 Siphowo Mazwai branch to assess governance, including the bottle necks of local government and preparations for the party's upcoming 100th birthday celebrations.
Branch chairperson, Mncedisi Boma addressed an intimate audience consisting of members of the branch, the regional executive committee, Makana councillors, local ANCYL members and MP Bonisile Nesi. Boma said the council needs to be assessed to see if it is working towards the ANC's vision, and the way in which they conduct themselves will influence the growth of party.
When members from the public were given an opportunity to raise their issues, there was an outcry from those who said that the municipality is not employing people from Makana. Crime was also a big topic of discussion. One person from the floor said; "It is painful to see the municipality is full with people from outside Grahamstown. The service is poor – the streets are dirty and have potholes – because the majority of the employees are not from Grahamstown and do not understand or care about the plights of Grahamstown."
He added that job adverts for positions in the Makana Municipality request high qualifications and experience. "What about those with a Standard 10? There is nothing for them," he said.
After Nesi gave a compelling historical account of local governance in Makana, he touched on the job situation and said that the Ward 3 branch plans to request a radio slot with the Municipal Manager, so that she can answer directly to residents. "We are writing an open letter from our branch to Baart for an open discussion on Radio Grahamstown – where the lines will be open and people can call in – so she can explain why people in Grahamstown are not getting jobs," Nesi said.
The meeting also looked into economic participation, which was presented by councillor Mthuthuzeli Matyumza, and he spoke about how people can position themselves for employment and a better livelihood. Part of the session was also to establish a work committee for the ANC's centenary celebrations next year, that will look at different issues in the wards like crime.