Eastern Cape welterweight boxing champion and Grahamstown resident, Mziwoxolo 'Bokoroshe' Ndwayana will be defending his recently-earned title later this week.
Eastern Cape welterweight boxing champion and Grahamstown resident, Mziwoxolo 'Bokoroshe' Ndwayana will be defending his recently-earned title later this week.
On Sunday 20 November Ndwayana, of Joza's Masibambane Boxing Club, will defend his title against East London boxer Vusumza Mlindwa in Dimbaza, near King Williams Town. The Grahamstown local won the title almost a month ago, at the Noluthando Hall in Joza, when he beat Jongikhaya Leve from East London, being crowned the province's welterweight champion.
The upcoming title defence was originally scheduled to take place in Mlindwa's home town, but Ndwayana's trainer suggested a neutral venue, since he is defending the title. If Ndwayana wins on the night he will stand a good chance of fighting for the South Africa welterweight title.
His father and coach, Bulelani, told