Settlers Hospital's newly-elected board members were confirmed at a board meeting last week on Thursday. However, concern was raised by those present regarding the lack of attendance of some of board members, who with one exception, failed to forward an apology for their absence.
Settlers Hospital's newly-elected board members were confirmed at a board meeting last week on Thursday. However, concern was raised by those present regarding the lack of attendance of some of board members, who with one exception, failed to forward an apology for their absence.
Despite being considered the best in the Eastern Cape, the hospital has faced many challenges, according to the Chairperson Nosipho Mpahlwa.
"The hospital was going down the drain at a high speed," said Mpahlwa, in a document given to Grocott's Mail. According to Mpahlwa, previous MEC Dr Bevan Goqwana introduced the concept of having CEO's instead of Superintendents, and this is what saved the hospital.
"Our turning point for us was when he sent Sipho Mahlathi who with the help of Irene Solomon the then Acting Matron turned things around. In Mpahlwa's view the hospitals major achievement was the establishment of the Public Private Partnership with Netcare (PPP). This project improved the infrastructure of the public side immensely.
An example of the hospital's achievements has been the appointment of ENT specialist, Dr V D Meer assisted by GP Dr Berenisco administering anaesthetic. The availability of these surgery sessions have reduced the need for their patients to travel to PE.
However, the hospital still faces challenges, mainly related to budget constraints. In the annual general meeting background given to Grocott's Mail, it was stated that the hospital is still in dire need of specialist doctors, particularly an orthopaedic surgeon and gynaecologist and that the ICU is not fully operational because the hospital does not have specialised personnel to run it.
The hospital also has inadequate funds for maintaining outside areas such as the palisade fence and roads to the Barrat Ward. However, the hospital welcomed and praised donations by generous donors such as the Rotary Club which assisted with equipment for the Palliative Care Unit (PCU), and local businesses which donated blankets and wheelchairs.
The new board members are: Chairperson Nosipho Mpahlwa, Vice Chairperson Makhi Mka, Secretary Rosemary Smith, Vice Secretary Nosigqibo Xujwa, Financial Management Júrg Richner, Disability Forum Phumlani Cimi, Legal Representative Ashely Basson, Human Resources David Barker, Makana Municipal Councillor Paul Notyawa Information Management Iain L'Ange, Traditional Health Practitioner Representative, Youth Forum Mfundo Moya, Health Management Bongiwe Moyakhe, Health Sub-Committee Adrienne Whisson, Cacadu Thuleka Ngeleza
The hospital's financial statement for 2011:
Funds on hand 29.09.2011 –
Current Account R 10,675
Market Linked Account R 78,190
Investments-GBS R 300,000
Total funds on hand R 388, 865
Funds owned at 29.09.2011 –
Albany Hospital Board R 377,077
Palliative Care Unit R11,788
Total Funds on hand R 388,865
Market Linked Account R 78,190
Investments-GBS R 300,000
Total funds on hand R 388, 865
Funds owned at 29.09.2011 –
Albany Hospital Board R 377,077
Palliative Care Unit R11,788
Total Funds on hand R 388,865