A 29-year-old woman from Grahamstown, who allegedly tried to bribe a department official, appeared in the local Magistrate's Court on charges of corruption on Thursday. Paullette van Wyk allegedly tried to hand over R3600 to senior Home Affairs official, Singathwa Mthiya, in an attempt to influence the official to unlawfully release her husband from the custody of Home Affairs.
A 29-year-old woman from Grahamstown, who allegedly tried to bribe a department official, appeared in the local Magistrate's Court on charges of corruption on Thursday. Paullette van Wyk allegedly tried to hand over R3600 to senior Home Affairs official, Singathwa Mthiya, in an attempt to influence the official to unlawfully release her husband from the custody of Home Affairs.
Van Wyk's husband, Abdel Maksoud Farouk is not a South African and is in the country illegally. The incident occurred at the Home Affairs offices in Bathurst Street in March this year.
However, the court could not proceed with the matter because Magistrate Nomnikelo Jebese said that she was not feeling well, and the trial has been postponed.
The case will continue on 20 October to for van Wyk's plea and trial.