Letters to South Africa:
Poets calling the state to order, consists of South African poets having their say about their country. The poets used Allen Ginsberg's poem America as their blueprint.
Nine of the featured poets recited their poems at the Franschhoek Literary Festival. Reporter Gabi Falanga chose some snippets to share with you.
Letters to South Africa:
Poets calling the state to order, consists of South African poets having their say about their country. The poets used Allen Ginsberg's poem America as their blueprint.
Nine of the featured poets recited their poems at the Franschhoek Literary Festival. Reporter Gabi Falanga chose some snippets to share with you.
“When will you take off your blinkers /
Address the problems from the root /
Look at the graves of those you starve /
The loyal who vote you in time and time again?
I won’t bother vote till I’m voting for a face, a mind, a heart.
South Africa when will you change your voting system?
Stop hiding behind history, confront today’s reality!”
Part of “The More Things Change” by Sindiwe Magona
“Kerk is vol nou kan ons begin:
Heilig is veilig so kô, lat ons sing Overtime gewerk ennie kop is seer van ‘n Gepriekery oor ‘n geskietery Die laaste dae het laasjaar of so begin… Gesange vannie gevange slaan soutsweepstriepe Met Home Affairs teen die grense families is nou stief en illegal! Verblind en vermin tussen ‘n self-righteous idealisme Simpatiesente slat ‘n note bokant die choke van xenophobia se rope Niks lekker nie” Part of “Kapenaar, Naar Gekaap!”
by Jitsvinger
“Mzansi ek is net ‘n toeris in my geboorteland.
Mzansi ek sien nie kans nie vandag 8 September 2010.
Ek het ophou kophou.
Mzansi wanneer gaan ons meer mens, minder ondier?
Gaan naai jouself sonder ‘n kondoom.” Part of “Mzansi” by
Erns Grundling
“This is the hanging silence this is the silence of the hanging this is the silence of our tongues hanging”
Part of “Hangberg” by Malika Ndlovu
“Ek is moeg gejaag en padgegee.
Ek wil ook my hoop in die stof langs die pad rondskop soos die kinders met die sokkerbal, dis meer werd daar, mens kan speel vir tyd.
Suid-Afrika, jy dink ek weet nie wat aangaan nie en partymaal is jy reg.
Jou berge weet meer as wat hulle voorgee.”
Part of “En Route: Suid-Afrika” by Bibi Slippers